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唐獎永續發展獎今(18日)頒發給當今最重要的靈長類動物學家之一珍古德(Jane Goodall)博士(英國女爵士、國際珍古德教育及保育協會創辦人、聯合國和平使者),表彰她在靈長類動物研究的開創性發現,足以重新定義人類與動物的關係,以及她終身在地球環境保育工作上無與倫比的奉獻,是世界邁向永續發展推動的重要基礎。


投身教育 珍古德:點燃人們希望

1991年珍古德投身環境教育和公益事業,推動「根與芽」國際環境教育計畫(Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots Program),目前超過65個國家參與,輔導成立10,000多個根與芽小組,計畫旨在幫助年輕人以不同觀點思考,了解如何以更具永續性的方式生活,培養下一代成為具環境意識的公民,守護地球。


多年來,自發性追隨她的年輕人愈來愈多,她也把大多數時間留給年輕人,四處演講呼籲環境保育的重要。她說:「我的工作是點燃人們希望」(my job is to give people hope),有人問她是否真的覺得有希望?她說:「我抱有希望的理由是年輕人,他們也已經接手了。」



Thursday, June 18, 2020 TAIPEI, TAIWAN

Pioneer Conservationist Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE Awarded

2020 Tang Prize in Sustainable Development

Dr. Jane Goodall, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace and  one of the world’s most influential conservationists and ethologists, was announced today as the winner of the 2020 Tang Prize in Sustainable Development.

In awarding this honour to Dr. Goodall the Tang Laureate Committee stated that this award was “for Dr. Goodall’s ground-breaking discoveries in primatology that redefine human-animal relationship and for her lifelong unparalleled dedication to the conservation of Earth’s environment. They added that Dr. Goodall’s work laid a strong foundation for the world’s march towards a sustainable future”.  

Established by Taiwanese entrepreneur Dr. Samuel Yin, the biannual Tang Prize consists of four categories, namely Sustainable Development, Biopharmaceutical Science, Sinology and Rule of Law. It aims to promote the interaction and cooperation between culture and technology so as to find a 21st century path to the sustainable development of the world.  The prize will be awarded in September this year. 

Dr. Goodall founded the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) in 1977. JGI’s core programs include the ongoing research at Gombe, the welfare of captive chimpanzees, TACARE the community centred conservation program now active in six African countries, sanctuaries for orphan chimpanzees in Republic of Congo and South Africa and the global program to empower young people of all ages, Roots & Shoots now active in more than 65 countries.  There are now Jane Goodall Institutes in 23 countries including one in Taiwan. 

Dr. Goodall has received more than 50 honorary degrees and many awards including appointment as a United Nations’ Messenger of Peace in 2002 and Dame of the British Empire in 2004, presented by HRH Prince Charles.  She as been the subject of many films and documentaries and is author of books for adults and children.  The Tang Prize Selection Committee named Dr. Goodall as the 2020 Tang Prize Laureate in Sustainable Development, to honour the crucial role she has been performing throughout her life, to promote sustainable development in the international arena.     

The Jane Goodall Institute Taiwan, established in 1998, has been committed to bringing conservation awareness and activism to schools and communities for more than 20 years and more than a thousand schools have been involved in the global environmental and humanitarian program, Roots & Shoots.

JGI Taiwan said they were extremely proud that Dr. Goodall, has been awarded the Tang Prize. Dr. Goodall has visited Taiwan no fewer than 18 times since 1996 and has been a constant source of inspiration and wisdom for the team. Their work in Taiwan would not have achieved its impact without her influence.

To know more about the exciting programs in Taiwan, please visit our website at

For more information about Dr. Goodall and the work of the Jane Goodall Institute, please visit Follow Jane and JGI at and @janegoodallinst on Instagram and Twitter.